文政10年創業 長年の信頼で、安心安全なおいしい米屋です


Rice Meister Saito Toshiyuki

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Dear customers

Nice to meet you.
I’m Toshiyuki Saito, please call me rice Meister.


What is  a rice Meister?
It means “maestro-mentor”. In Germany, they had provided Meister system in order to foster the good technicians, and have been the strict management.Rice Meister is that “the Japan Rice Retailers Association” entitled to person who have the professional experience related to rice and passed examination. So to speak, just like Ph.D. in rice. 

Not only to the above qualifications, I aim to be the best rice master in all over the world.


I love snow bording and BBQ.

・ Why you entered this industry ?

Because of my father.
And I think I’m a rice enthusiast. When I was a child, like father, I smell at rice first before eat it. haha


・I recommend you that..

Do you know “Myoga?”.It is popular japanese vegetable.
When you eat rice, just put Myoga with a little soy sauce on rice.
That’s taste very good.
Please try it, I recommend you.


・To customers at the end

I am one of the board directors in Nabeya Shoten now.
Thanks to variety of customers supported us, We have been able to growing since we launched.

We committed to maintain our traditions and trust, and continue to provide a safe, tasty rice to everyone.

We always make our best to spread Japanese traditional taste to the world.


We are committed in order to originate towards the world a taste of tradition.
Thank you kindly.

Because I love talking, please talk by all means when it is closer to the store!



お気軽にお問い合わせください TEL 0475-72-0032 【営業時間】 9:00〜17:30

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